Our Company

I.A.P. Industrial & Aeronautical Painting S.r.l. operates in the anti-corrosive surface treatment market, coatings and special coatings for aeronautical, nautical and industrial components.

Born in 2001 thanks to the will and the skills of the founding members, with a strong liability towards the fundamental competitive values:

• services and continuous innovation of processes

• safety and protection of people and environment.

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Angelo Accardi, Underpressure sky, olio su tela 100×150, 2011, Approfondisci

Dino Sambiasi, Eli-color people, olio e smalto su carta 40×40, 2016

The company, initially operating in an industrial context, has managed to achieve and operate in the aeronautical sector, including among its Clients organizations such as:

• Leonardo S.p.A. Helicopter Division
• Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A.
• Alitalia Servizi S.p.A.

obtaining from each of them the status of Qualified Supplier, assessed and deemed to comply the contractual and quality requirements relating to the international technical standards of the sector.

In January 2019, the achievement of a pluriannual contractual agreement with the Ferretti Group, gave the company the opportunity to start operates also in the nautical sector at Cantieri Navali di Sarnico.

I.A.P. continues its path paying particular attention to new technologies and investing heavily in training and quality. Anyone in the organization is involved in continuous training on technical and managerial issues, creating highly qualified skills, with the ability to deal with customer needs promptly and ensuring the proper quality.

I.A.P. today it continues to build the future on those values that have become stronger over time

  • Ethics, as maximum attention to the human factor
  • Quality of the Service: full customer satisfaction, compliance of results to contractual requirements and flexibility of solutions
  • Effectiveness and efficiency: lean organization, competent and effective resources
  • Respect for the environment and innovation: with the help of specific equipment, we pay attention to the impact that our activities could have on the environment and people’s health.
Dino Sambiasi, Eli-color people, olio e smalto su carta 40×40, 2016